198 research outputs found


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    Kondisi persimpangan Jalan Raya Ahmad Yani Surabaya – Jalan Margorejo Indah – Frontage Road saat ini sudah terjadi kemacetan terutama pada jam-jam sibuk sebagai akibat timbulnya konflik lalu lintas. Ini dikarenakan Jalan Raya Ahmad Yani Surabaya – Jalan Margorejo Indah – Frontage Road merupakan kawasan perdagangan dan perindustrian. Dengan ini maka diperlukan evaluasi ulang siklus waktu pada simpang bersinyal pada jalan tersebut. Pedoman yang digunakan untuk analisa tugas akhir ini mengacu pada metode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997 dan menggunakan data primer dilapangan yang berupa arus lalu lintas. Jika nilai DS terlalu tinggi > 0,75 maka penggunaan manual melakukan perubahan kinerja simpang bersinyal pada jalan tersebut. Apabila DS tidak terlalu tinggi < 0,75 penggunaan manual tidak perlu mengubah keadaan yang sudah ada dan keadaan tersebut dianggap masih memenuhi syarat. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh DS < 0,75 untuk kondisi existing tahun 2011, tetapi tingkat kenyamanan menghasilkan LOS F. Maka untuk itu mengatasi permasalahan ini dilakukan perencanaan ulang waktu siklus. Dari hasil perencanaan ulang waktu siklus baru yaitu 109 detik untuk jam puncak pagi dan 160 detik untuk jam puncak sore yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa DS < 0,75 serta tingkat kenyamanan menghasilkan LOS D. Kata kunci : Evaluasi Kinerja Persimpangan, Derajat Kejenuhan, MKJI 1997


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    The jurists differ as to the legal status of sticking one's nose to the place of prostration or the floor. These differences of opinion influenced public opinion and opinions, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, related to the opinion regarding the law of wearing a mask at times because it can cover the nose so that it can cancel the prayer, but there is also an opinion that says that it is permissible to use it. The controversy between whether or not it is permissible to use something that prevents the nose from sticking together when prostrating is conveyed by the Syafi'Ä« and កanbalÄ« schools. Therefore, this article explains the difference between the Al-Syāfi‘ī school and the កanbalÄ« school in determining the law of sticking the nose when prostrating? and what are the arguments and methods of ijtihad used by the scholars of the Al-Syāfi‘ī and កanbalÄ« schools? This research approach is a qualitative approach, this type of research is normative legal research, while the nature of the data analysis used is the comparative analysis method. The results of this study indicate that the differences between the Al-Syāfi‘ī and កanbalÄ« schools in establishing the law of sticking one's nose during prostration are identified in two points. First, about the legal status. According to the scholars of the Shafi'i school, the nose is not a part of the face that must be attached during prostration, the law is only limited to sunnah. The Hanbali school considers that the nose, the part of the face that must be attached to the ground, is obligatory. Second, about the legal consequences. For the scholars of the Shafi'i school, the legal consequences of praying without sticking your nose are still valid, while according to the Hanbali school it is not valid. The argument of the scholars of the Syafi'i school is the hadith narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari from Ibn Abbas, that the members of prostration are only the forehead, both hands, both knees and both feet. No mention of nose. Then Daruquthni's narration from Jabir, when he saw Rasulullah Saw prostrating with the top of the forehead near the hair. The istinbat method used is the bayani and ta'lili methods. Meanwhile, according to the Hanbali school, the argument used is the history of Imam Al-Bukhari from Ibn Abbas who mentions the Prophet's gesture to point his nose in prostration. Then the narrations of Muslim and Al-Nasa'i regarding the mention of jabhah wa al-anfu (forehead and nose) as members of prostration, in addition to the history of Atsram which states that it is obligatory to stick your nose during prayer. The istinbat method used is the bayani method and the ta'lili method

    Interaction of Riwayah and Dirayah Science in Learning Hadith

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    This article attempts to explain the pattern of interaction between history and dirayah in learning hadith. So far, hadith science tends to be classified into two types, namely riwayah hadith science and dirayah hadith science. In fact, in its development, these two types of hadith science interact with each other. Therefore, the focus of this study is to discuss how the interaction between the science of hadith history and the science of hadith is explored in learning hadith? The method used is qualitative by using data from the hadith books used by the scholars. The results of the study show that the science of riwayah hadith has a very close relationship with the science of hadith dirayah. Because the quality of riwayah hadith science is only known through research on the sanad of the hadith, while the sanad is the object of dirayah hadith science. In addition, the science of hadith riwayah only focuses on the narration as it is from the Prophet while the science of hadith dirayah discusses how to understand the material of the history. The science of hadith history is like the Koran, while the science of hadith is like interpretation of it, one cannot understand the Koran without knowing its meaning or interpretation. This is the interaction between these two fields of science that cannot be separated from one another. By integrating these two branches of knowledge, learning the science of hadith will be more useful as a second source of teachings in Islam. Artikel ini berusahan menjelaskan pola interaksi antara ilmu riwayah dan dirayah dalam pembelajaran hadis. Selama ini, ilmu hadis cenderung diklasifikasikan kepada dua jenis, yaitu ilmu hadis riwayah dan ilmu hadis dirayah. Padahal, dalam perkembangannya, kedua jenis ilmu hadis ini saling berintaeraksi satu sama lain. Oleh karena itu, fokus kajian ini membahas bagaimana interaksi antara ilmu hadis riwayah dan ilmu hadis dirayah dalam pembelajaran hadis? Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan data dari kitab-kitab hadis yang digunakan oleh para ulama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ilmu hadis riwayah mempunyai hubungan yang sangat erat dengan ilmu hadis dirayah. Karena kualitas ilmu hadis riwayah hanya diketahui melalui penelitian terhadap sanad dari hadis tersebut, sementara sanad itu adalah objek dari ilmu hadis dirayah. Selain itu, ilmu hadis riwayah hanya fokus kepada periwayatan apa adanya dari Nabi sementara ilmu hadis dirayah membahas bagaimana memahami materi riwayat tersebut. Ilmu hadis riwayah ibarat al-Qur’an, sementara ilmu hadis dirayah ibarat penafsiran terhadapnya, tidak bisa memahami al-Qur’an tanpa mengetahui makna atau penafsirannya. Inilah interaksi antara dua bidang ilmu ini yang tidak bisa dipisahkan antara satu dan lainnya. Dengan memadukan kedua cabang ilmu ini maka pembelajaran ilmu hadis akan lebih berguna sebagai sumber ajaran yang kedua dalam Islam

    Perspektif Al-Quran dan Sunnah tentang Toleransi

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    Islam adalah agama yang sangat toleran terhadap siapapun termasuk kepada non muslim. Dengan tingginya rasa toleransi yang dibawa membuat agama ini mudah diterima dan cepat berkembang terutama pada masa-masa awal kehadirannya di tanah Arab. Hakikat dari toleransi adalah kemudahan dalam setiap ajarannya serta tenggang rasa terhadap perbedaan yang ada, termasuk dalam hal akidah ketika berhadapan dengan agama lain. Artikel ini bermaksud menelaah toleransi dalam perspektif Alquran dan sunnah. Telaah terhadap pandangan Alquran dan sunnah memperlihatkan bahwa  bentuk dan sifat toleransi ini tergambar jelas dalam al-Qur'an dan sunnah Nabi, juga dalam sirah kehidupan para sahabat dan ulama-ulama salaf lainnya yang memahami kedua sumber Islam ini dengan baik. Pengakuan akan tingginya rasa toleransi yang dibawa oleh agama samawi terakhir ini sesungguhnya bukan saja diakui dan dirasakan oleh umat Islam sendiri, tetapi juga mendapat pengakuan dari kalangan non muslim Barat yang berupaya menilai Islam secara objektif

    Animal Protection in the Perspective of Positive Law and Islamic Law: A Study of Elephant-Human Conflict in Aceh, Indonesia

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    This article talks about protecting animals from the point of view of positive law and Islamic law. It focuses on elephants and their conflicts with people. Cases of conflict between elephants and humans have continued to increase from 2015 to 2021, reaching 582 cases. This research is a normative legal study, while the approach used is the approach of legislation and Islamic law. The data studied are literature and legal norms related to positive legal rules and Islamic law. This study concludes that the government has made efforts to protect elephants by issuing various laws and regulations, both at the central and regional levels. Positional law regulates and strives for the protection of elephants, such as the prohibition of catching, injuring, killing, possessing, keeping, and even trading them. In addition, the government has taken various steps, including having mutual coordination between related agencies, involving non-governmental organizations and the community, and enforcing the law. Furthermore, to overcome conflicts between elephants and humans in the future, it is necessary to immediately implement policies related to the prohibition of land use around elephant crossings and policies to relocate people close to elephant crossing areas and provide compensation to those who are affected. From the perspective of Islamic law, the protection of animals, including elephants, is part of the benefit based on the Qur'an, hadith, and fatwas of ulemas to preserve nature, which has an impact on human survival


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    This study analyzed the effects of government expenditure, investment, and  labor  on  the Gross  Regional  Domestic  Product  (GRDP)  of  the agricultural sector in all provinces in Indonesia using panel data for four years (2015 - 2018). The model used was a Panel Data Regression. The results showed that Government Expenditure, Investment positively influenced,   and   Labor   negatively   influenced   the   GRDP   of   the Agricultural Sector, and these three variables significantly influenced the GRDP of the Agricultural Sector in Indonesia

    Penetapan Perwalian terhadap Pengurusan Harta Anak di Bawah Umur menurut Hukum Islam pada Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh

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    Perwalian sangat penting untuk kelangsungan hidup anak-anak  atau anak yang tidak bisa mengurus dirinya sendiri, seperti anak terlantar yang tidak mampu untuk menjaga harta benda atau lingkungan mereka sendiri. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut dilakukan sebuah penelitian melalui pendekatan yuridis normatif dan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data lapangan yang dipadukan dengan metode pengumpulan data kepustakaan melalui teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasilnya adalah proses penetapan permohonan wali di Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh diselesaikan dalam beberapa tahapan, yakni diawali dengan pendaftaran dan registrasi perkara, pembacaan surat permohonan oleh hakim, para pemohon memberikan keterangan di persidangan berkaitan dengan dalil-dalil permohonan, tahapan pembuktian, tahapan permusyawaratan majelis hakim, dan pembacaan penetapan. Adapun pertimbangan Hakim Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh dalam menetapkan perkara permohonan perwalian anak didasarkan kepada Pasal 107 Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Dalam tinjauan hukum islam perkara permohonan penetapan wali di Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh dipandang tidak melanggar ketentuan hukum Islam oleh sebab itu alasan hakim Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh menetapkan wali  ibu kandung untuk pengurusan harta anak dibawah umur adalah karena kedekatan hubungan kekeluargaan. Disarankan kepada lembaga peradilan lebih mengutamakan aspek perlindungan hukum atas harta anak dalam hal permohonan perwalian dan tidak mengedepankan kepentingan atas penjualan, pegadaian dan penyewaan harta anak dibawah umur

    Integration of SPT (N-value), mackintosh probe (M-value) and resistivity values for soft soil assessment

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    2-D resistivity method has been used in association with Mackintosh probe and Standard Penetration Test (SPT) to investigate the ground properties at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang. The purpose of this study was to determine the resistivity value of the subsurface material together with N-value and M-value of the particular location. The study also aimed to evaluate whether there is any correlation could be made by the parameters measured. Borehole record revealed that two types of soil exist up to 13 m; loose sand and stiff sandy silt. The loose sand recorded N-value of 8 and M-value of 170 having resistivity value of 790 Ohm.m. On the other hand, stiff sandy silt recorded N-value of 9-11, M-value of 135-170 and showing resistivity value of 415-785 Ohm.m. The results showed no clear relation between those geotechnical strength parameters with the resistivity imaging result. It is due to non-existence of distinctive differences in the electrical conductivity of the mentioned ground material when they are in the low strength bracket. However, the resistivity result suggested the presence of higher resistance material that is dry loose sand. The resistivity result was able to detect the water saturated zone near the ground surface, which showed low N-value and M-value

    Understanding Multiple Interpretations on the Hadith that Husbands Allow Wives to have Outdoor Activities: A Study of Islamic Law Perspectives

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    Understanding the interpretation of a hadith is multifaceted, in which the Muslim clerics have multiple perspectives on certain hadith, including hadith on husband’s permission to wife to engage in outdoor activities. This is a library research, in which we explore some literature on this issue. The analysis technique used is descriptive-analytical and comparative, while the approach used is historical-sociological. The focuses of this study are threefold: to understand the mazhab(traditional) scholars’ and contemporary scholars’ perspectives, and to review the Islamic law on the Muslim clerics’ understanding of this issue. This paper concludes that mazhab scholars tend to understand the hadith textually, strictly and non-contextual-that is, asking permission to engage in outdoor activities is an obligation of the wife, otherwise it is considered disobedient to the husband. Meanwhile, contemporary scholars understand the hadith contextually and more flexible. They perceive that asking for permission to do outdoor activities is not an obligation; it is rather a recommendation for wives to seek for their husbands’ permission. In fact, in the recent times, wives working outdoor would in fact support husbands in fulfilling household’s needs. This difference can be understood because historically-sociologically the condition of the society has shifted and transformed. In the past, for instance, when women left the house they would cause danger in the middle of the desert such as robbery or wild animals. Meanwhile, nowadays mass communication and mass transportation have enabled families: husbands and wives to connect with each other. Likewise, when women going outdoor to seek knowledge, attending mosques for congregations, and or going for work, contemporary scholars do not see it as prohibited. Women doing activities outdoor has existed even by the time of the prophet and the companions, showing that most wives work outdoor for family benefits
